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The mobile e-commerce app is now in your pocket!

We started our activities as a restaurant and cafe in 2017 in Nevşehir Fairyland. During this time, we always wanted to offer you the best by observing the differences, desires and happiness of our valued guests. In line with these experiences, Wild Fireworks puts the NeMS brand at your service in 2021, which we created with the Slogan of Eternal Happiness, inspired by the Flower of Life, which symbolizes the existence of the Earth and symbolizes eternal order and perfect symmetry in the universe .

When designing the spaces where we welcome you, we took into account the perfect order and symmetry of the universe. Believing that the universe has a soul, we try to add spirit to our spaces with the aim of giving eternal happiness to your togetherness or solitude.

When creating our menu, we carefully select our drinks, inspired by the naturalness of the universe, the infinite flavors of local and global cuisine and the source of life, water. While preparing our delicacies, we prepare our own unique presentations according to spirit and nature, choosing for you the best quality and natural ingredients, with the thought that every living being deserves the most perfect of everything.

NeMS, which aims to appeal to you with its spaces and flavors suited to the spirit of each point you can reach, for our valued guests who know the value of the moment;

Wishing you eternal happiness.



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